The 6 Bad Piano Habits That’ll Never Let You Make It Big – And How To Beat Them

piano player

Learning a piano is an art and the only way to master this skill is by practicing hard with the correct techniques. Beginners undergo a very tricky socialization period. Piano teachers, although they teach everything necessary for the student to know while learning to play piano for the first time, often miss out on some […]

5 Bad Habits You Need To Kick To Become a Piano Pro

Bad habits when playing piano slow your piano progress significantly. Unfortunately, they are also all too easy to pick up. They’re even easier to pick up when you’re teaching yourself because there’s no professional to spot them and help you get rid of them, or even prevent them altogether. Here are five of the worst […]

Baby Born Blind and Handicapped Now An Accomplished Musician

Patrick Hughes on the Piano

One amazing thing about music is that it is not limited to anyone; it belongs to everyone and can be enjoyed and created by anyone. Today we take a peek into the life of a young man who against all odds has built a lasting relationship with the world through music. When this young man […]
