Snarky Puppy Band Members – Image Courtesy of Berklee Performance Center at Berklee Performance Center
Snarky Puppy is a funktastic band founded in Texas and is now based in New York. Michael League leads the group and does the majority of the writing and producing all while laying it down on bass.
The lineup is often changing seeing as most members also play other other massive names like Markus Miller and Justin Timberlake… so its hard to really know who is going to be on the stage at any of their shows (but they are always top notch killer cats).
Snarky Puppy is always on the road. They are the farthest from a studio band you could possibly go. Last year, they played over 200 shows across 4 continents.
They have a distinct way of laying down tracks- All live off the floor and infront of a studio audience. Their footage of their recording sessions is out of this world. You have a visual representation of how the music is making everyone on earth grove in their seats, and how the band feeds off each other on such a real level.
Their sound is hard to describe. Imagine an authentic new orleans big band with a pocket playing funk/soul backline with some hiphop overtones. All mixed in with cinematic writing and some of the best players in any music scene. Their style cannot accurately be expressed in words.