When Storage Wars Canada first premiered back in 2013, the very first episode introduced this piano when Roy “The Instigator” won a locker and uncovered a “white” Young Chang Baby Grand.
He took it to Robert Lowrey Piano Experts where the work was done to restore the piano in the beautiful condition it is today and even features the personal signature from Roy as shown in the picture below.
The 5’2” baby grand piano was manufactured in South Korea in 1986 and is truly special and unique.
Perfect for any home or musician that is looking for that “one of a kind” baby grand piano in satin red.
Location: Robert Lowrey Showroom, Toronto
Serial: G018898
Year of Manufacture: 1986
Colour: Satin Red
Warranty: 10-year parts, 1-year labour piano
Included: Bench, GTA Delivery, First in-home tuning
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