The Kawai City-Life line was a series of upright piano models produced in Japan in the 1980’s and 1990’s. This particular model, a CL2 (S/N 1575669), was made in 1986 at their Hamamtsu facility. It is a 48″ class upright piano, and would have similar features to their KS10 or BL31 series. An excellent piano for starters and experienced students.
Kawai City Life CL2 Used Upright
Original price was: CAD 3,995.00.CAD 1,995.00Current price is: CAD 1,995.00.
**SOLD** This 48″ high upright Kawai piano was built by Kawai in Japan in 1986 and is an excellent piano for someone looking for a taller piano, with a polished ebony.
✅ Bench Included
✅ Free Tuning
✅ Free GTA Delivery
✅ 10-Year Warranty
✅ Certified Preowned (47 Point Inspection)