Why Music Lessons Could Be The Best Intervention For Children With Learning Disorders

music being used to soothe a child in hospital

The benefits of music are widely appreciated today. Music truly accompanies us in our day to day activities and is with us during the different stages of our lives. Even our bodies naturally respond to music involuntarily. Benefits of music lessons Music lessons have been found to be beneficial in the developmental stages of children […]

How To Develop A Balanced Approach To Your Child’s Musical Growth

Tech. Sgt. Jason Cale, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa band guitarist, offers a child a chance to play his guitar during a concert in Dakar, Senegal, June 14, 2014, at a local cultural center. USAFE-AFAFRICA Airmen are in Senegal for African Partnership Flight, a program designed to improve communication and interoperability between regional partners in Africa. The band will be playing multiple venues in the area to inspire children and musicians through the universal language of music. (U.S. Air Force photo/ Staff Sgt. Ryan Crane)

Balance is the key to all of life! It means allocating our time properly so that everything we need to accomplish gets done by the end of the day and prioritizing when necessary. When we find balance, we become efficient and effective in all we do. When it comes to your child’s desire to be […]

Music And Gender – Does It Matter Whether You’re Male Or Female In Music?

woman playing the violin

Music has been in existence for a long time and has been part of human civilization. Certain trends have been both noticed and others have gone unnoticed when it comes to music and gender. In the past, there seemed to be a universally accepted standard of who should play which instrument. For instance, there were […]

Three Secrets Of Success From The Great Musicians Of Our Time

man singing at a concert

The journey to success for any great musician usually becomes public knowledge once the musician is well known. And even then, most people will simply never know the work that went on behind the scenes before that success was achieved. If you are a musician at the beginning of your career, it always helps to hear […]

Crazy Songwriting Ideas And How To Recall The Tunes You Come Up With

man deep in thought

Many people wonder how songs are composed or written. The art of songwriting can be described as an adventure. It takes inspiration as a foundation and a high level of discipline to keep you going. This is critical as there will be times when nothing seems to be happening. There are several things to consider. […]

Self-Teaching And Formal Music Classes – Combining The Two

girl playing the guitar

As an aspiring musician who’s planning to have a successful career, one the first things you need to do is outline your learning options. With the advancement of technology, there are more varied options from which you can choose. They are also more accessible than they were a few years ago. This means you can […]

When That Song Keeps Playing In Your Head – What’s Happening?

the power of music

It can be both interesting and annoying when there’s a song that keeps playing in your head. It could mean many things. You might really enjoy the song and the beats, so you don’t mind that it won’t leave your head for a few days. Unfortunately, and interestingly, this could happen even with songs that […]

Why You Should Try Music If You Want To Tap Into Your Forgotten Memories

illustration of an idea

Have you ever been in a situation in which you are listening to music with a friend and he starts telling you a story from his past that you have never heard before? If you really pay attention, you’ll notice the sense of nostalgia as he tells you the story. At that moment, you may […]

In The World Of One Who Is Musically Tone-Deaf

tech image of music

Have you ever heard or seen someone who just can’t sing right because they are tone-deaf? They really enjoy listening to music but they cannot sing along. When they do, it sounds like a whole lot of confusion and you wish they would just stop. They might even actually be the first to buy tickets […]

Explore Different Ways Of Expanding Your Creativity While Learning Piano

fingers playing the piano

Learning piano is popular all over the world. The ability to play piano is considered one of the top enviable skills in the world of music. There have been occasions when a famous musician at a concert asked for someone who could play the piano from the crowd and that became the turning point for […]
