We’ve often heard music compared closely to language. We have even heard of music referred to AS a language. This recent study from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Medicine in Baltimore has found a very strong link between language and music- specifically jazz improvisation. It makes sense to focus on Jazz. It is a predominantly improvised […]
Feeling stressed? A recent study shows that a trip to the symphony might be just what you need! The Royal College of Music’s Center of Performance Science has proven that classical music physically reduces stress. To anyone who has set time aside to indulge in classical music, this makes perfect sense. But this is the first time this […]
Do you think about quarter notes and triplets when someone is speaking to you? A new study shows that musician’s brains are better at encoding speech than nonmusicians’ brains. Speech is made up of a series of sounds and rhythms. It would make sense that people spending time to study musical areas such as rhythm […]
target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow noopener”>Via youtube.com Are the best drummers in the world always the most noticeable ones? Often times, the best drummers are not always memorable. In most forms of music, the percussion is not the center of attention. This goes for most instruments in a band too. When you’re doing your job right, no one […]
Do you recall how much your high school mixtape meant to you? I’m certain you remember that party anthem that blasted through the dorms at frosh week. What about that song you played 40 times on the summer road trip up to Montreal. Those songs became the soundtrack of some of the most formative years of […]
Ever put much thought into Pop music? Pop music is technically the most popular music out there, and a group of researchers are trying to prove that it is ruining your brain. Should be more worried about the next Miley Cyrus single pumping through the car radio than eating over-processed food? First off, are we […]
Have you ever thought about the sheer power of music? It truly is universal.It connects us all. It is the most common language in the world. Can you think of a culture on this earth that does not embrace music? Can you think of a single country or city that is not connected to the […]
Do you think your music preferences are linked to the way you think? Can skimming your itunes playlist give someone some insight as to how your brain works? A recent study from the University of Cambridge says yes! This study might have a big impact on how the music business advertises to you. If they […]
Am I too old to take music lessons? This is a question I am asked rather often. Simple answer- No. It is never too late to start, especially when you realize it is not about “catching up” to a level of playing where of people that started when they were very young. One of the […]
If you’ve ever listened to any music after the early 1900’s, you’ll have probably heard a Gibson. It’s actually pretty close to a guarantee. The most popular guitar Gibson has designed thus far is the Les Paul. You will probably recognize the shape of it in the photos down below. Thousands of famous musicians spanning […]