Is playing the piano re-wiring your brain?

Brain on music

Are those music lessons actually changing your brain’s structure and function? Recent research says yes. This study focused on the symmetry of brain activity. We know that learning music has a big impact on our brain. Pinpointing how exactly it effects us is the next big thing. We know that musicians are better at identifying pitch […]

Why do some people get chills when they listen to their favourite music?

Ever heard of “Musical Frisson”? Even if you haven’t, you’ll know what I mean in a second. Its that tingly feeling that shoots through your body. Triggered by your favourite songs, or types of music. The lovely sensation will often shoot down the spine and out across your limbs in a shiver of ecstacy. What the […]

Succeed in life, succeed in music, teacher tells students.

Meet William Hamilton- A retired Prince of Wales Public School music teacher. Recently, he was the guest speaker for Suzuki at a general meeting at Trinity United Church. His method of teaching is most notable for teaching children to learn music by ear before moving on to sheet music. Time and time again, this has […]

Music Education Can Help Children Improve Reading Skills

A recent study was done on two US elementary schools. One routinely trained children in music. One did not. The researchers hypothesized that the children receiving the music curriculum would develop a larger vocabulary, and more advanced verbal sequencing. “because neural response to music is a widely distributed system within the brain…. it would not […]

12 Proven Benefits of Music Education

Taking music education seriously in our public school system is well overdue. It has passed the point of “We think there are some benefits, and the students seem to like it” to “We have proof of many measurable benefits as a direct result of a through music education. Our students love it.”. In just the past […]

Are drummers really musicians?

Yes. Of course drummers are musicians! Drummers have such a massive role in music, and it is straight up wrong to not consider them on the same level as the rest of the band. Do they have a rather specialized role? Yes. Does it take a massive amount of skill, creativity, and musicianship to pull […]

How Playing Music Benefits Your Brain More than Any Other Activity

Did you know that every time musicians pick up their instruments there are fireworks going off all over their brain? On the outside they make look calm and focussed reading the music and making the precise and practised movements required, but inside their brains, there’s a party going on. How do we know this? Well, in the […]

What are those piano pedals for?

“What are those pedals for?” – As a pianist, I get asked about pedals quite often! Its actually somewhat surprising how far some piano players can get without knowing what all of the pedals do. They all have very specific applications, and produce very distinct results. Some we use more than others, and they sometimes […]
