Time to tackle one of the most common questions in the piano world. Upright, or grand? Some of the biggest differences between uprights and grands are hidden beneath the piano lid. We are going to focus on the differences in feel (Action + Key length), overall sound, and of course, a price point comparison. Action Grand […]
Good piano tuners are worth their weight in gold. A perfectly tuned piano that has been expertly voiced is something to be savoured. There is a great deal of art and science that goes into tuning a piano. These methods and techniques take years to master, and require a great deal of discipline and education. How […]
1. Sample as many pianos as you can There are many brands, shapes, sizes, styles that all take a while to get to know and understand. Now is the time to branch out from the piano company that you grew up playing on to try something new! Every piano has it’s own very unique features […]
These tips will drastically increase the lifespan, as well as the resale value of your piano. Doing these 4 things will make playing your piano far more enjoyable for you, and whoever you pass your piano on to. 1. Humidity Humidity is one of the biggest factors in your piano’s overall health. Maintaining proper humidity […]
Every great major city has at least a handful of anthems. You could probably put together an entire genre of city themed songs that could fill a few dozen i-pods. We’ve all dreamt of waking up in a in NYC after blasting “New York State Of Mind”. We lust for driving down sunset boulevard whenever the Door’s “L.A. […]
Have you fallen in love with ‘The Weekend”s latest hit? Well many folks have. In it’s first week it garnered 38 million airplay audiences, and as of October 2015, it has sold 1,852,000 copies in the US. This song is pumping through so many stereos and headphones. And there’s good reason for it. In this video we see […]
Have you made your decision? If you’ve chosen a career as a musician, you’re in for one heck of a ride. Sadly, it is not a steady stream of stadium gigs and platinum albums right off the bat. Competition is fierce, and the work is long and tedious. Don’t let that disuade you! Being a […]
Henry is an elderly man with dementia. His story was captured in this viral video. His moving story is living proof the transformational power of music. This is what gives meaning to all of the lab coat laden study’s on the effects of music. Henry flips from a quiet, still elderly man, unable to recognize even […]
Alright. So you’ve gotten through all of your teacher’s prescribed music practicing for the day. You’re not done yet! In fact, you’re never really done (so sad, but so true). There are always areas of your musicianship that can be polished and re-visited. These 5 tools are a great addition to your daily practice routine. […]